Time & space
The Winery
Writing on the Wall
It is true that to begin something from scratch, there has to be a powerful way, that is to say, the idea, the desire, mostly the inner strength upon which the venture steps. Even if this way (luxurious though) is pale, even if victories seem stolen, frightening, you sell them out and sooner or later they become defeats. And mostly by this we mean that in every challenge you want to be a part, the one who wants to be revealed is yourself, whom you don’t want to betray. And here things become a bit complicated, abit more personal and a lot fictional. But one step at a time, the way we started, in order to come the right time for you, to write on your own WALLS. It is true that we were always willing to acknowledge the positive value of innovation in every field and at the same time we were deeply impressed by our distant ancestors. For what they accomplished, for their technological developments and the way they positively influenced the world.
Logically we stood a little longer on three almost widely spread developments of theirs, the oil lamp, the ceramic roof tiles and the wine. For 225 square metres ceramic walls in our vinous establishment, 13.956 light brown bricks, made in Northern Greece, were used. Our walls, were built firstly electronically, piece by piece, based on brick samples we frequently sent to Switzerland, for experimental programme which was created specifically for our project, by the research department of the polytechnic school in Zurich. Every brick was imprinted as a hologram in the electronic programme with its individual code.

The stage of actualisation of the electronic walls were done with supply in real time of the electronic hologram by putting every brick in the actual wall in the expected position.
The outcome is a work that surpasses in accuracy the representation of a conventional hologram worldwide, with unthinkable up today precision in the rotation and the orientation of every stoneware piece. An augmented, different and multifaceted reality of constructing a wall, changing the terms and limits in building with the hands and abilities of our local craftsmen. Converting with these means the energy footprint of a production building into an almost self -powered energy entity and a unique translucent piece of art.
Destined to manage wisely, the light ,the climate and the surrounding nature, through its rotation. If you happen to read these lines today, it is because at the beginning of the venture to ourselves the exciting journey of the liberating truth of the venture was in place, space , time, material, spirit , history, people, science. The on going innovation constitutes the driving force of a stable economic growth, the economists repeat monotonously.
The development of humans brings along a stable economic value, say our Greeks from the ancient times. And for this exact increased value that comes from human, aims human, with earthly materials, light and the endless, creative joy of life, exists today, after the first 15 years of life of KITRVS, we also can along with you, to fearlessly write on our wall such things: Find your destinations, Think out loud. Don’t lie. Truth is the light in the dark. Keep going…